Setting an effective wellbeing agenda can take up a great deal of time and energy. That's why Nahum not only offers professional development, he also helps schools assess needs and be highly intentional about what they do. Using reliable, time-efficient and cost-effective practices, Nahum assists schools to clarify wellbeing vision, identify evidenced interventions, lead staff and students authentically, and measure progress with fidelity.
Discover your unique blueprint for student and staff wellbeing by engaging in an Appreciative Review. The review utilises the protocols of Appreciative Inquiry and works from a strengths focus, generating staff engagement from the start. You receive a clear, itemised report with an analysis of current student and staff wellbeing from the perspective of staff (i.e. your in-house experts), detailing your school’s strengths and a ‘blueprint’ of evidence-based recommendations for moving forward in a way that capitalises on those strengths.
An Appreciative Review leads to big picture vision, energy and enthusiasm. However, Quantitative data can capture fine grained information to measure baseline conditions, target needs, and measure progress. Nahum is proud to partner with People Diagnostix in offering the Flourishing at School Profile, software designed to measure Staff and Year 7 – 12 wellbeing on each element of PERMA+H Wellbeing Theory (Seligman, 2011). You receive an annual licence , plus individual student and cohort reports.
Strong executive and middle leadership is essential to managing positive change, and is a key ingredient in your wellbeing programme. Nahum uses the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire 360+ to assess transformational leadership behaviours according to the Full Range Leadership Model - the world’s most widely researched model of leadership (Bass & Avolio, 1993). Leaders receive a report highlighting individual developmental needs, and engage in tailored coaching and feedback to develop as a first class transformational leader.
Whether seeking to introduce your leadership and staff to Positive Education, or to examine a specific facet of wellbeing, Nahum has a range of experiences from his time as Head of Positive Education at John Paul College to draw upon.
Popular topics for staff presentations include: An introduction to PERMA Wellbeing theory, Character Strengths, Mindfulness, Relationships, and Core Self Evaluation.
As an engaging and interactive presenter, Nahum has reached thousands of students across Australia. He has presented on the topics of self worth, self efficacy, managing powerful emotions and personal agency by using students' own language and socio-cultural references; (including zombies, robots, ninjas, and The Bachelorette). As well as being effective in and of itself, Nahum's work with your students can be a powerful piece of your wellbeing approach, ensuring a consistent message delivered at all levels within your organisation.